Every time that you present information to workers or any other stakeholder,
you are acting as a representative of you organisation. For this reason when you
send information; to both internal and external customers it must be consistent
with organisational procedures. How you present the information, such as using
the appropriate forms and formatting may also be a requirement under the law.
For example, the information that you present to your team may one day be
used as evidence that you provided your team with information as per your
legislative requirements. Your failure to comply and use appropriate forms and
formats with logo if required may cause the courts to question the legitimacy
of the records. These records in many instances must be kept and maintained
in a storage facility for 30 years. They may not be able to find you to question
you about the information that you gathered and in many instances cannot
remember may not remember what happened.
These records are evidence that you have
performed your tasks within the requirements of
the law. This is what you are doing when you follow
procedure. If there is proof that the procedure
is up to date, and legislative requirements are
not being met, you also protect yourself in that
you were following your employer’s instructions.
This means that the employer becomes liable
for failure to comply with legislative or regulative