Deep breathing helps in the removal of toxins and waste products from the body.If also serves to provide more oxygen and nutrient material for both the mother and child.On another level,deep breathing helps the concentration of the mind,purifies and calms the nervous system,and improves the chemical environment within the body of the pregnant women.Since pranayama relaxes both the body and mind,it can help to decrease labor pains,which take over the mind at the time of delivery.In addition to helping the delivering mother to bear the pain, deep breathing aids in pushing the child out of the womb. Because of its rhythmic nature,pranayama sets up a rhythm in the system that helps harmonize the bodily forces.The combination of a healthy spine-made strong by massage-and rhythmic breathing takes away the fear that produces tension and blocks the nature to aid the birth and cannot be completely eliminated,but massage and pranayama allow the pregnant women to tolerate the pain and maintain a state of emotional balance.