I would still work but I would be a lot more choosy about which clients I accept. I'm a graphic designer and there are some projects I work on that are really fun and because of that they don't feel much like work at all. On the other hand, there are projects I work on just because I need the money but I get no joy out of the design process at all. There are clients I would love to fire if I didn't need the money...especially the people who are always coming to me at the last minute with a project they need done by the next day! (I have too many of those types of clients right now)
If I didn't need the money, I would do a lot more design/artwork just for fun too.
Read more: http://boards.weddingbee.com/topic/if-you-were-a-billionaire-would-you-still-work#ixzz2a6yynMFE