Table 1
Outline of the five training days for 6–12 STEM Integration Module
Time Allocated Content to be delivered Participant Processes
Day 1 October What is engineering and
engineering design?
Overview of the nature of engineering, introduction of the engineering design process.
Teachers participated in a concept mapping about ‘‘what is engineering?’’ and an activity to
develop their understanding of the engineering design cycle through wind turbine blade
design. Teachers ended the day in a college-level ‘‘active classroom’’ and had two
presentations of active learning by STEM professors from the University.
Day 2 December Math Science and Redesign What makes engineering different from mathematics and science. Teachers continued working
through simulated student problems on engineering design – through wind turbines’ gear
ratios and generators; worked through a redesign activity with constraints based on their
blade designs from Day 1.
Day 3 January Problem Solving and Modeling Teachers worked through the model-elicitation (Lesh & Doerr, 2003) process within the
STEM disciplines.
Day 4 March Integration through Technology
Teachers learned a variety of ways to use technology in their classrooms as a means to
integrating STEM.
Day 5 May Representation, Translation, and
Teachers learned models of student understanding (representational fluency) through
participation in a heat transfer based Engineering Teaching Kit (Schnittka, Bell, &
Richards, 2010); National Speaker presented; Teachers participated in a poster session as a
summary to their year of STEM Integration to MDE Deputy Commissioner.