3. The Far East: Final Thoughts
In a society where the concept of intellectual property is less than 150 years old, the top-down approach by the Japanese and Taiwanese governments encourages a systematic change in their respective societies for the protection of copyrights. This suits Japan and Taiwan because the protections necessitated by an advancing software industry can be implemented with limited resistance when the government provides a clear and authoritative declaration on copyright protections. This does not require a court system to impose its view on what constitutes infringement in a region that does not traditionally recognize intellectual property rights without the backing of the national government. For those advocating a national declaration on the extent of copyright protections against unauthorized use, it should be noted that the creation of a “seventh” exclusive right to authorize use could be inhibited through the legislative process and its effectiveness limited. However, as in 1871 Japan, it was necessary for the central governmentแปลบทความวิจัย