Ostrich babysitter!
An Ostrich babysitter is quite literally a person who watches young ostriches as they do their own thing. Ostrich babysitter watch them just to keep them safe from pecking at others or running off.
$ Job salary! $
An Ostrich babysitter can earn up to 20$ an hour depending on how many they are babysitting and howwell behaved the ostrichs are.
Research shows that to be an ostrich babysitter you need nothing but
~ a certificate showing you graduated highschool.
- a way with animals.
So really, you dont really need any education to do this job..
Interesting facts!
~ ostrichs have 3 stomachs.
- ostriches dont have teeth so they swallow pebbles to grind up there food.
- The flightless ostrich is the worlds largest bird.
I think this job is unusual because you don't exactly hear it on a day to day basis. Also, you dont need a great education for it.. And ostriches just arent very popular around our local area so Ive never heard of this before.
I can honestly say i would NEVER want this job. It takes no skill, and it seems like it would just be boring. Also, it doesn't help that I think I'm more afraid of Ostriches then they are of me... I really do not consider this job at all.