Target 6.B:
Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it
Antiretroviral medicines to treat HIV were delivered to 9.5 million people in developing regions in 2012.
Over 900,000 pregnant women living with HIV globally were receiving antiretroviral prophylaxis or treatment by December 2012.
Target 6.C:
Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases
Between 2000 and 2012, the substantial expansion of malaria interventions led to a 42 per cent decline in malaria mortality rates globally.
In the decade since 2000, 3.3 million deaths from malaria were averted, and the lives of three million young children were saved.
Thanks to increased funding, more children are sleeping under insecticide-treated bed nets in sub-Saharan Africa.
Treatment for tuberculosis has saved some 22 million lives between 1995 and 2012.