Many of us learned to believe early in life that other people determine our happiness. We might learn to live by this belief before we learn to talk or walk. This is the first false belief we create about our relationships. We can find a clue to this in our subconscious behind comments we make such as "he/she makes me so happy."
The truth is that you make yourself happy. You probably just don't know how anymore. In the midst of life experience we lose track of how we become unhappy and who is responsible. We have created so many automatic emotional reactions over the years that we have become unfamiliar with how to make ourselves happy. When we come back to the the idea that we make ourselves happy it may even seem foreign.
It can become difficult to keep track of which emotions are reactions and which are authentic expressions. There is another person that can often appear to be responsible when we react. We interpret it this way so appears to be true. But there is another possible cause for our emotion. Have a listen and consider this other point of view.