We’ve talked about the weird behaviour men should avoid when dating, but we thought we’d better explore the weird behaviour women can exhibit on dates too. You might be all prepped for a great date, but unfortunately there are some behaviours that will set his alarm bells ringing and may ruin your chances of ever hearing from him again.
What’s important is to know the difference between what makes you seem interesting, or cute, and what makes you just plain weird. For example, collecting dolls from around the world is relatively ‘normal’. Collecting your belly button fluff in a jar isn’t. OK, that might be an extreme example, but read on for five more realistic weird behaviours exhibited by women on dates. And why they turn guys straight off.
1. Obsessing over your ex
We hear about this time and time again, in everyday life and on the advice site; the terrible date where she decided the main topic of conversation would be her ex. If they’re still not quite over a recent break-up, women – generally more so than men, but not exclusively – have a tendency to think their date for the night will want to hear about the man in question.