The fact that climate is changing has become increasingly clear over the past decade. Recent evidence suggests that
the associated changes in temperature and precipitation are already adversely affecting population health.The future
burden of disease attributable to climate change will depend in part on the timeliness and effectiveness of the
interventions implemented. In response to these changing risks, the Third Ministerial Conference on Environment
and Health in London in 1999 recommended developing the capacity to undertake national assessments of the
potential health effects of climate variability and change, with the goal of identifying: 1) vulnerable populations and
subgroups and 2) interventions that could be implemented to reduce the current and future burden of disease.The
need to facilitate the transfer of expertise among countries was recognized.This publication is designed to address
this need by providing practical information to governments, health agencies and environmental and meteorological
institutions in both industrialized and developing countries on quantitative and qualitative methods of assessing
human health vulnerability and public health adaptation to climate change.An integrated approach to assessment is
encouraged because the impact of climate is likely to transcend traditional sector and regional boundaries, with
effects in one sector affecting the coping capacity of another sector or region. Part I describes the objectives and
the steps for assessing vulnerability and adaptation and Part II discusses the following issues for a range of health
outcomes: the evidence that climate change could affect mortality and morbidity; methods of projecting future
effects; and identifying adaptation strategies, policies and measures to reduce current and future negative effects.The
health outcomes considered are: morbidity and mortality from heat and heat-waves, air pollution, floods and
windstorms and food insecurity; vector-borne diseases;waterborne and foodborne diarrhoeal diseases; and adverse
health outcomes associated with stratospheric ozone depletion.
The fact that climate is changing has become increasingly clear over the past decade. Recent evidence suggests thatthe associated changes in temperature and precipitation are already adversely affecting population health.The futureburden of disease attributable to climate change will depend in part on the timeliness and effectiveness of theinterventions implemented. In response to these changing risks, the Third Ministerial Conference on Environmentand Health in London in 1999 recommended developing the capacity to undertake national assessments of thepotential health effects of climate variability and change, with the goal of identifying: 1) vulnerable populations andsubgroups and 2) interventions that could be implemented to reduce the current and future burden of disease.Theneed to facilitate the transfer of expertise among countries was recognized.This publication is designed to addressthis need by providing practical information to governments, health agencies and environmental and meteorologicalinstitutions in both industrialized and developing countries on quantitative and qualitative methods of assessinghuman health vulnerability and public health adaptation to climate change.An integrated approach to assessment isencouraged because the impact of climate is likely to transcend traditional sector and regional boundaries, witheffects in one sector affecting the coping capacity of another sector or region. Part I describes the objectives andthe steps for assessing vulnerability and adaptation and Part II discusses the following issues for a range of healthoutcomes: the evidence that climate change could affect mortality and morbidity; methods of projecting futureeffects; and identifying adaptation strategies, policies and measures to reduce current and future negative effects.Thehealth outcomes considered are: morbidity and mortality from heat and heat-waves, air pollution, floods andwindstorms and food insecurity; vector-borne diseases;waterborne and foodborne diarrhoeal diseases; and adversehealth outcomes associated with stratospheric ozone depletion.
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