D 9.32 In a CS amplifier, such as that in Fig. 9.2(a), the resistance
of the source Rsig = 100 kΩ, amplifier input resistance
(which is due to the biasing network) Rin = 100 kΩ, Cgs = 1 pF,
Cgd = 0.2 pF, gm = 3 mA/V, ro = 50 kΩ, RD = 8 kΩ, and RL =
10 kΩ. Determine the expected 3-dB cutoff frequency fH and
the midband gain. In evaluating ways to double fH , a designer
considers the alternatives of changing either RL or Rin. To raise
fH as described, what separate change in each would be
required? What midband voltage gain results in each case?