4.4. Use of technological information systems of the small and medium enterprises in order to obtain costings
The hypothesis (H4): SMEs have the economic and technical capacity to maintain the ABC system, is accepted. Among the enter- prises that have implemented the Activity-based management and activity-based costing system, 100% could identify the use of databases in the processes followed by the costing calculus, whereas of the users of traditional systems 14% claimed not to use any of these systems, using an Excel spread- sheet in some cases and in others the reasons why they did not use these technological information (TI) tools were not specified. In all, 56% of the assessed companies use network-based systems, 25% use hierarchy database and 19% use relational database. Comparing the ABC SMEs and the rest, both tend to use network database; nevertheless, in the non-ABC users relational data bases are used more than hierarchy databases (Figs. 1 and 2).
The costing subsystem is a key element of the organizational information system, which is why it is important to know how the costing information is shared among the rest of the systems within a company. For the enterprises that have not implemented the ABC system, 83% consider that the costing system is part of the account- ing system, but 6% do not use any costing system; therefore there is no information sharing.
The SMEs that have the ABC system believe that it is very important to share information in the accounting system (29%). They also consider that the least important departments to share information with are the marketing, supply, management of fixed assets, quality management systems, and administration of fixed assets (11%) (Tables 8 and 9). It is important to mention that in Mexico the activity-based systems are not regulated by the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants and not even by the rules of the Secretariat of Property and Public Credit; this is why it is imperative for the enterprises that have the ABC system to share the information on general accounting and different costing systems that are accepted by the rules of the country.