Since at least the 1950s, teens of each generation have been on the lookout for new songs, new fashions, or really, anything new. If there's something new, teens are typically eager to check it out. If something becomes popular and lasts for a while, it becomes a trend. Nowadays, the use of the newest technology has become the trend with teenagers.
These teenagers belong to Generation z. and they were born approximately between 1994 and 2004. Generation zers are tough and They to smart. like belong to a group and to share personal information. They are the first to have grown up with technology like the Internet and cell phone Most of them own an MP3 player and download music from the web They text friends on their cell phones, and they also stay in touch with them on Facebook. They read books on e-readers and tablets. And, they love the virtual world.
Virtual reality (VR) is an environment simulated by a computer with goggles and headphones. teens can enter places in worlds of simulated reality as well as imaginary worlds They can play soccer- drive a racing car, or defend the planet against invaders from outer space
Virtual reality has also entered the world of entertainment. In Japan, a young singer named Hatsune Mikuone has become a hit. Miku is actually a 3-D hologram of a pop star. She's sixteen years old, and she has long pigtails and large eyes. Miku's voice is recorded on a synthesizer called"Vocaloid." She has performed"live" at stadiums all over Japan. Crowds of fans wave glowing sticks and sing along to"World Is Mine."
Will the latest trends fade with new technology? We'll have to wait and see-until the next generation.