the WIC department database administrator provided a list of 466 women who initiated breastfeeding (infant received any breast milk as recorded in the WIC administrative database) and who delivered infants who (a) were at least 37 weeks gestational age,(b) weighed at least 2,500 g, (c) had no health complications that may have influenced infant feeding (e.g., cleft palate, cardiac anomalies, surgery during the first 28 days of life) , and (d) were not placed for adoption. The WIC clinic staff located the clinic records, beginning with records from 2003 and working backward until the sample size was achieved. Nutrition and health survey data were entered using a Web-based data entry form on a clinic computer. These data were then merged with the electronic WIC tracking data obtained from the state. This analysis included data from the prenatal and postpartum visits of 309 women.