was found by Hsieh et al. (Hsieh, Wada, & Chang, 2009) in cultures
of Delftia acidovorans to produce a copolymer of PHB,
obtaining a biomass concentration of about 2.5 g L−1 at 25 ◦C
in 72 h. In contrast, when culture temperature reaches 30 ◦C, the
lag phase increases 74 h, reaching the maximum biomass concentration
of 2.83 g L−1 in 124 h of fermentation. At 35 ◦C the
culture showed a low biomass production. In general, conditions
of temperature above 30 ◦C results to be unfavorable for microbial
growth, lowering dramatically the biomass concentration in
the stationary phase to 1.07 g L−1
was found by Hsieh et al. (Hsieh, Wada, & Chang, 2009) in culturesof Delftia acidovorans to produce a copolymer of PHB,obtaining a biomass concentration of about 2.5 g L−1 at 25 ◦Cin 72 h. In contrast, when culture temperature reaches 30 ◦C, thelag phase increases 74 h, reaching the maximum biomass concentrationof 2.83 g L−1 in 124 h of fermentation. At 35 ◦C theculture showed a low biomass production. In general, conditionsof temperature above 30 ◦C results to be unfavorable for microbialgrowth, lowering dramatically the biomass concentration inthe stationary phase to 1.07 g L−1
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