Are you looking for an extreme experience?Are you tough enough for the most difficult conditions on Eart?What is your wildest dream?Base jumping 979 metres from Angel Falls or going 2.1 kilometres undergound into krubera Cave?
Get ready for the most exciting experience of your life!Perhaps you perfer a drier place,like a desert-how about trekking across the Sahara in 58?Or how about Antarctica?it is the most hostile desert with only 5cm rain a year and temperatures of -80.It isn't warm enough for plants or animals to survive.Is this the wost place on Earth for a holiday?
Alternatively,dive in thr Great Barrier Reef in Australia Tiny animals-corals-make coral reefs,and this is the largest coral reef in the world.Or sail down the Amazon River-20 per cent of all the Earth is fresh water is this river.Follow the river across South America,through yhe world is largest rainforest and have the best holiday possible.