2.2. Statistical Analysis
Based on a total of 27 final quantitative questions including both demographic data and of a
Likert (0–5) scale, a number of relevant indices were extracted using principal component
analysis (PCA) with varimax rotation and a reliability analysis (Cronbach’s α) were
performed in order to test for consistency. The Likert scale scores ranging from ‘0’ (strongly
disagree) to ‘5’ (strongly agree) was developed in order to measure the respondents’ degree
of agreement to the positions asked. PCA is a statistical approach that can be used to analyse
the interrelationships among a large number of variables and to explain these variables in
terms of their common underlying dimensions (factors). The statistical approach involved
finding a way of condensing the information contained in a number of original variables into
a smaller set of dimensions (factors) with a minimum loss of information [14]. We used PCA
to analyse our questionnaire and focus on the extraction of factors and assessment of their
composite role in our analysis.