This thesis describes the development of a discrete event building evacuation simulator using the Java programming language and the various results that were produced from the simulations that were done. The simulator allows people to evacuate a building which has been defined via a graphical interface. People are then split into two groups, those who use elevators and those who do not. The program provides various statistics based on the simulation that was done. Due to safety concerns, during a building evacuation only stairs are used to evacuate a building. This often leads to huge queues forming up and could potentially be avoided by allowing elevators to take some of the load of the stairs. After the 9/11 attacks in 2001 there have been some debate about changing the evacuation procedures for tall buildings. There have been previous work done on simulation of tall buildings evacuation and big time related gains were shown by allowing people to use elevators. This thesis concentrates around evacuation of smaller buildings, up to ten stories high. The results of the thesis show that faster evacuations are possible with elevators in smaller buildings, although further research is required to generalize the results.