There are many other examples of construct validity in the psychological literature. Researchers do not always have standardize tests to work with and therefor have to solve their validation problems. How they go about establishing construct validity is illustrated in an article by Marsh and Parker (1984) .There assessed the construct validity of the Self Description Questionnair (SDQ), an instrument that was intended to measure self-concept. Sample items from the 76-item questionnaire are shown in Table 6-1
As in the case of intelligence testing, Marsh and Parker looked for predictable relationships between SDQ scores (presumably self-concept) and other variables. They were able to do that through sophisticate statistical procedures, including factor analysis and path analysis. They evaluated the relationships between SDQ score and other variables, such as teacher ratings of student self-concept and academic achievement. They were able to show that self-concept , as measured by the SDQ, actually has two distinct components-academic self-concept. Basically, how people perform in school does not necessarily affect the way they view their abilities in other areas. Winston Churchill probably would have agreed