Our solution provides greater freedom to the clients and
more convenience to the user. Figure 5 shows the result of
our solution (for the Astute Solutions [15] home page) in the
case where all the web page content should be kept. The
result is very much similar to single view approach, which
eliminates horizontal browsing, and leaves only vertically
browsed content. The right three snapshots are a single,
composite mobile-optimized web page resulting from the
original page (see snapshot on the left). The blue arrows
illustrate the corresponding relationships between the
mobilized part and the original part. Thus, the user only
needs to scroll vertically to fully browse the web page.
The font size is much larger (essentially the preferences
of the mobile web browser are used). Links are much easier
to be identified and thus more convenient to be clicked. We
also provide a link to visit the original web pages at the end.
Our solution also keeps all the JavaScript functionalities and
original CSS sheets, which gives out a consistent CSS styled
and fully functioning web page.
When the client (such as the webmaster) does not want
all the web page to be displayed to mobile users, he uses the
web page mobilizer (shown in Figure 2) to select the
components he wants to keep and eliminate the unimportant
components. In Figure 6, we show a mobile-optimized web
page consisting of only two major components: the “WE HELP YOU” menu and the list of “SUCCESS STORIES”.
These components are obviously the two main content areas
from this page that should be presented to mobile users.