3.2. Lactose-free UHT dairy drinks (LF-UHT dairy drinks)
Table 2 shows the carbohydrate composition of commercial LFUHT
dairy drinks. As it can be observed, with the exception of
sample 2, the rest of samples showed lower monosaccharide,
disaccharide and GOS content than LF-UHT milks. Also, small
amounts of sucrose were detected in all samples.
Furosine content (Fig. 3B) ranged from 1547 to 4477 mg/kg
protein and the interval of variation was higher than in LF-UHT
milks. Samples 1 and 5 which showed a level of furosine
considerably higher than that of the rest of samples, also displayed
the highest tagatose content. Elevated values of furosine in LF-UHT
dairy drinks may be due to different causes, including excessive
heating, prolonged storage or addition of milk powder; however
tagatose is only formed from galactose during heat treatment so that
the presence of elevated amounts of both compounds may be due to
excessive heating during the manufacture of LF-UHT dairy drinks