In this section, we create examples of affine transformations by multiplying together,
or concatenating, sequences of the basic transformations that we just introduced.
Using this strategy is preferable to attempting to define an arbitrary transformation
directly. The approach fits well with our pipeline architectures for implementing
graphics systems.
Suppose that we carry out three successive transformations on a point p, creating
a new point q. Because the matrix product is associative, we can write the
sequence as
3.10 Concatenation of Transformations 165
p A B C q
FIGURE 3.43 Application of transformations one at a time.
p q
FIGURE 3.44 Pipeline transformation.
q = CBAp,
without parentheses. Note that here the matrices A, B, and C (and thus M) can be
arbitrary 4 × 4 matrices, although in practice they will most likely be affine. The order
in which we carry out the transformations affects the efficiency of the calculation. In
one view, shown in Figure 3.43, we can carry out A, followed by B, followed by C—an
order that corresponds to the grouping
q = (C(B(Ap))).
If we are to transform a single point, this order is the most efficient because each
matrix multiplication involves multiplying a column matrix by a square matrix. If we
have many points to transform, then we can proceed in two steps. First, we calculate
M = CBA.
Then, we use this matrix on each point
q = Mp.
This order corresponds to the pipeline shown in Figure 3.44, where we compute M
first, then load it into a pipeline transformation unit. If we simply count operations,
we see that although we do a little more work in computing M initially, because M
may be applied to tens of thousands of points, this extra work is insignificant compared
with the savings we obtain by using a single matrix multiplication for each
point. We now derive examples of computing M.