Long ago,on the island of Crete lived King Minos. The god Poseidon sent him a white bull.Poseidon wanted Minos to Kill the bull to honor him.King Minos kept thebull and Killed another bull instead.Poseidon got angry and decided to punish him. A year later Pasiphae, Mino's wife gave birth to the Minotaur, a beast that had the head and the tail of a bull but the body of a man.
The Minotaur Killed a lot of people.King Minos made a labyrinth under his castle and locked the Minotaur there.After that,the King ordered that every tear seven young men and seven young girls would come from Athens for the Minotaur to eat.
After some year, the Greek hero Theseus decided to kill the beast.He went to Crete,and with the help of Minos' daughter,Ariadne,he Killed the Minotaur