The evaluation of our program has limitations. First, we
did not include a comparison group in our evaluation plan.
Second, we assessed self-reported changes in skills using a
nonvalidated survey instrument. Interpretation of the survey
questions may have varied across participants. Third, we do
not have outcome data such as changes in leadership composition
and measures of academic advancement for participants
of our program. Fourth, it is difficult to control for
other factors that may have influenced participants’ perceptions
of their skill level while participating in the LPWF.
However, our findings were highly significant and consistent
across cohorts and over time. Fifth, while overall we had very
high response rates to our questionnaire, response rates did
fall off in the post-program evaluations. Those who chose not
to complete the post-program evaluation may have reported
no change or lower ratings. Finally, we do not have long-term
follow up data to assess how lasting the reported changes in
skills and behaviors are. For example, we may have found
greater changes in negotiation behaviors if we had follow-up
data beyond information garnered at the end of the program