especially as quality and quality management are concerned, operating with them coherently and constantly. Consequently, in his work Assurance of quality in tourist services, Dinu Vasile emphasizes the fact that at present the problem of tourist services quality has become an issue of modern management, i.e. one referring to vision, values, objectives and strategies, to good practice and the highest standards and models. In order to sell quality services, managers and employees should aim, be able to, and know how to achieve quality, evaluate it, and improve it constantly. To do so, according to the ISO 9000 standards, they should implement a quality management system in the tourist businesses they are running, a system requiring planning, control, assurance and improvement of tourist services quality, especially those concerning accommodation. To increase competition at both national and international level means that the providers of tourist services should take the due steps to re-adjust themselves by diversifying their offer and correlating the price and quality of the product. These steps are decisive when trying to survive on a specific market. The time has come that the specialists in the tourism industry understand the new tendencies in the process of developing international tourism and the fact that clients’ increasing demands force them to use new management instruments. Moreover, it is not enough to understand such phenomena, it is equally important that all parties involved implement these ideas and instruments