Rorschach was firmly convinced of the relevance of the subjective
criterion, as he considered M the result of an inverse relation
between physical motility and psychic dynamism, between
outward action and inner life. The idea of M came to him after
a particular dream. The night following his first autopsy as a
medical student, he dreamed that his own brain was being cut
into slices and felt them falling forward, one after another,
across his forehead. The visual image of the falling slices was
translated into a physical sensation of this movement, a feeling
that is impossible when viewed from a physiological perspective,
as the brain has no interior sense of movement and is not
sensitive to touch. He therefore wondered how visual images
could be translated into and reexperienced as kinesthetic
images (Akavia, 2013). According to Rorschach, the scoring
criteria for M (or K for kinesthesia, in German) were therefore
defined as
Rorschach was firmly convinced of the relevance of the subjectivecriterion, as he considered M the result of an inverse relationbetween physical motility and psychic dynamism, betweenoutward action and inner life. The idea of M came to him aftera particular dream. The night following his first autopsy as amedical student, he dreamed that his own brain was being cutinto slices and felt them falling forward, one after another,across his forehead. The visual image of the falling slices wastranslated into a physical sensation of this movement, a feelingthat is impossible when viewed from a physiological perspective,as the brain has no interior sense of movement and is notsensitive to touch. He therefore wondered how visual imagescould be translated into and reexperienced as kinestheticimages (Akavia, 2013). According to Rorschach, the scoringcriteria for M (or K for kinesthesia, in German) were thereforedefined as
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