Dr.Donald Pettit is a NASA astronaut.
Interviewer:I’m sure people ask you this question all of the time,Dr.Pettit,but I have to ask it:Have you ever been to space?
Dr.Petit:Yes, I have. I was a crew member of Expedition6,and I spent five and a half months at the International Space Station.We call it the ISS.
Interviewer:How many times have you gone up on the space shuttle?
Dr.Petit:I’ve ridden the space shuttle to the ISS twice.
Interviewer:And what was the best part about being in space?
Dr.Petit:Being able to float.It was the worst part,too.
Interviewer:Have you visited any other interesting places while working for NASA?
Dr.Petit:Well,I lived in Russia for about two years while I was training to fly to the ISS.I’ve also been to Anterctica.
Interviewer:Not many people can say that! I understand that you like to work with tools.Have you ever invented anything?
Dr.Petit:Yes.During my second trip into space,I made a special coffee cup so we could drink in space,much like we do here on earth.I just couldn’t get used to drinking coffee out of a small bag through a straw!
Interviewer:I dotn’t think I could get ussd to that,either.But why did you have to drink coffee that way before?
Dr.Petit:Without the bag or my special cap,the coffee floats in space,too.
Interviewer:Ofcourse! Well,you’ve accomplished so much,Dr.Pettit. Considering all of it, what’s the most exciting thing that you’ve experienced?
Dr.Petit:Seeing the birth of my twin boys.
Interviewer:Wow,what a life! Thanks so much for sharing,Dr.Pettit