ReGardLess oF one’s position
on gun control, few of us
consider it tolerable for
mass-shootings like the re-
cent ones in the Sandy Hook
Elementary School, or in a Colorado
movie theater, or in an Oregon shop-
ping mall, or on a Texas Army base,
or in a Norwegian youth camp, to con-
tinue to occur. The question is, what
can we do about it? We can of course
engage as citizens in political debates,
political actions, and policymaking on
gun legislation and policy. But I would
like to ask if there is any way that ACM
members, as computer scientists, en-
gineers, and digital technology experts,
can use our technical expertise to re-
duce the frequency and casualty count
of shooting crimes.
This Viewpoint is an attempt to
start us thinking about that.
ReGardLess oF one’s position on gun control, few of us consider it tolerable for mass-shootings like the re-cent ones in the Sandy Hook Elementary School, or in a Colorado movie theater, or in an Oregon shop-ping mall, or on a Texas Army base, or in a Norwegian youth camp, to con-tinue to occur. The question is, what can we do about it? We can of course engage as citizens in political debates, political actions, and policymaking on gun legislation and policy. But I would like to ask if there is any way that ACM members, as computer scientists, en-gineers, and digital technology experts, can use our technical expertise to re-duce the frequency and casualty count of shooting crimes.This Viewpoint is an attempt to start us thinking about that.
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