Her heartfelt concern for those affected by HIV AIDS has been unreservedly expressed in public, as has her desire to see every child, regardless of family income, receive a proper education. Her Majesty has also worked tirelessly to assist those involved in the conservation of the environment, and a seemingly endless list of organizations and associations in a variety of fields have benefited from the Queen’s patronage.
Although divorced from the public business of politics, Her Majesty has refused to hide behind tradition when the very lives of Thai people are at risk. And so it was that she voiced her concern, during a 45 minute televised address, over the unrest in the south of the country. Queen Sirikit was addressing politicians and community leaders at the Royal Palace, but the decision was taken to broadcast her words to the nation. Her Majesty urged people to help the government solve the problems in the south and to express disapproval at the injustice against innocent people.
Queen Sirikit’s devotion to all Thais is reflected in the love the people of this nation have for their Queen.