The Symptom Management Strategies
Questionnaire (SMSQ) was developed by the
researchers based on the literature review regarding
both pharmacological and non-pharmacological
management strategies to relieve or get rid of the
distressing symptoms in persons with COPD. Content
validity was verified by five experts specialized in
COPD and symptom management (three nursing
instructors, one COPD APN, and one physician
specialized in COPD). The S-CVI was .89.
For the pharmacological management part,
most drugs used for persons with COPD consisted of;
bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, tricyclic
antidepressants (amitriptyline), minor tranquilizer
(aplazoram), analgesic drugs (e.g. paracetamol,
NSAID), and mucolytic. In this part, data was initially
obtained from medical records as basic information
and then the participants were asked what drug
prescribed by physicians they actually used. Moreover,
a blank space was provided which could be filled in
by the participants for other medications used, which
were not included in the list.
In the non-pharmacological part of
management, the strategies included lists of: respiratory
muscle strengthening, oxygen supplementation,
nutritional management, reducing risk factors,
adjusting lifestyle, relaxation methods, psychological
enhancement, and support from families. As in
Symptom Distress, Cluster, and Management in Thais with COPD
248 Pacific Rim Int J Nurs Res • July - September 2014
medication management, other non-pharmacological
methods could be added apart from the lists.