Proactive assessment and monitoring are key as these would allow for the
identification of ecological triggers and thresholds, including thresholds
of vulnerability, which may be used to monitor and inform decisions,
as well to improve the ability to forecast based on this knowledge.
Identification of ecological reference sites for long-term monitoring and
routine monitoring of these and other impacted sites within a framework
of established biomonitoring programmes are critical. This monitoring
would facilitate detection of change, both in response to non-climate as
well as climate change induced effects, although the ability of the various
monitoring tools to facilitate this may still need to be validated. One of
the key challenges facing freshwater ecologists is to develop a suite
of tools for detecting the impacts of climate change in complex natural
systems that can be applied across multiple spatio-temporal scales and
levels of organisation.12 Integration of long-term, empirical survey data
with models and manipulative experiments will facilitate the development
of mechanistic, and hence predictive, understanding of responses to
future change
ConclusionsProactive assessment and monitoring are key as these would allow for theidentification of ecological triggers and thresholds, including thresholdsof vulnerability, which may be used to monitor and inform decisions,as well to improve the ability to forecast based on this knowledge.Identification of ecological reference sites for long-term monitoring androutine monitoring of these and other impacted sites within a frameworkof established biomonitoring programmes are critical. This monitoringwould facilitate detection of change, both in response to non-climate aswell as climate change induced effects, although the ability of the variousmonitoring tools to facilitate this may still need to be validated. One ofthe key challenges facing freshwater ecologists is to develop a suiteof tools for detecting the impacts of climate change in complex naturalsystems that can be applied across multiple spatio-temporal scales andlevels of organisation.12 Integration of long-term, empirical survey datawith models and manipulative experiments will facilitate the developmentof mechanistic, and hence predictive, understanding of responses tofuture change
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