Why do you need a VPS at all?
Trading with a VPS is a lot safer than trading from your very own home PC.The regular Internet connection of a home PC is fragile and disconnected several times a day. When you try to make a transaction while your PC is disconnected from the Internet, it will fail and you are very likely to lose money. That ́s why we recommend you to use a VPS.
We are certain you will find trading with a VPS extremely convenient and to be a very valuable tool. By far the most important benefit of a VPS is the fact that it has a very secure and stable Internet connection.
Once you order and set up your VPS, you will get a fast and secure connection to your trading account from anywhere you can get an Internet connection. Our VPS is a perfect solution for those of you who use Expert Advisors. It is accessible, flexible, secure and fast – really fast! Every VPS is preinstalled with the MetaTrader4 trading platform. This is perfect for the novice trader who does not want to fumble around with setting up the software. We have a dedicated team of professionals with decades of experience keeping your VPS up and running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.