Noted. Will check who has the files.
Cherrie, i am sure you are capable enough to get the list of new BP's from whoever has it can't you?
On 20 Apr 2015, at 16:47, Cherrie bacos wrote:
Dear Both,
Yes, it is correct that K. Denjai has taken K. Sayam's account as he is Thai and already knows K. Den as per email sent last April 9.
I am already in communication with our existing (old) international BP's. However, I have not received list of our new BP's or accounts that K. Artorn has taken during the last 4 months.
Best Regards,
Cherrie Bacos
International Sales Manager
Dear Gigi,
Cherrie, has been nominated by Bobby to handle the BP's back in March. Please have all queries forward to her.
Cherrie, can you make sure you get all the queries Gigi is referring to and handle them appropriately.
Thank you.
Dear Martin,
We have been receiving email re Khun Siam’s client who contacted through Nan, ex-Global sales team, to Khun Varunee and Khun Denjai. Now, Khun Denjai has taken on some cases right after Khun Nan left. However, please advise who will be responsible for international clients through our agent/BP in the region. All our agents should also be inform of the focal point to avoid any loss of potential clients in future.
Thank you.