Hello, everybody. My name is Pattree Prommeesri . Today, I’m going to talk about
Khlong Lat Mayom floating market. It is located not far from my house. In the weekend I had to go there. Let’s start with the food because that’s one of the top reasons to go. Due to the abundance of food available and how good it looks on display, I can almost guarantee you’ll be ready to start eating when you arrive. Khlong Lat Mayom Floating Market is pretty good sized sprawling market (even though it looks small from outside), so it’s a good idea to take a look around quickly before you sit down. From the main road, I like to go to the left side of the market, and then go through the market to the canal-side, and there are some bamboo picnic tables, kind of in a food court seating area, which is one of my favorite areas to sit.
The tables are first-come-first-serve, and if you grab a table, you can then start buying food from all the different stalls, and bringing everything back to your table to start eating. The highlight of a floating market visit, sitting on a little wooden stool not higher than 10 cm.