Wedding’s Day, First the ceremony will start at groom prepare snack auspicious,auspicious marriage dowry and bevel. Aging Groom parade The groom holds the bevel The groom and the money bag and aging relatives holders to negotiate through the door is the entrance gate gold and diamonds. Login to the Counting the dowry Traditionally, a dowry of money and gold/jewellery will be formally. Login to the Paying respects to the Elder The couple pay their respects to the elder. Login to the Water Pouring The pouring of water is the most important part of the Thai wedding ceremony as it is during this part of the ceremony that the couple officially become husband and wife. Login to the Mong kol and the Sachet powder,The couple will prepare themselves for the water pouring. After that 18:30 p.m, Login to the Wedding Party, MC say Welcoming Guests, MC say please the bride and the groom onto the stage,MC say please the Chairman onto the stage for bless, The bride and the groom cut to a cake. Other activity such as a games,Throw the bouquet.