Oxidation Ditches
Provide mixing, oxygen transfer and retention time for microorganisms to convert organics to more stable compounds creating an activated sludge mixed liquor.
Provide detention time for activated sludge to settle and be drawn off gradually and returned to be mixed with incoming raw sewage, known as Return Activated Sludge. The process also removes floatable materials by skimming. The effluent water from the clarifiers then goes to the sand filters for further treatment.
Sand Filters
These filters further aid in the removal of suspended particles, floating matter and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand). BOD is a measurement of remaining organics that could cause pollution.
Chlorination/De-chlorination Basin
The basin provides the point of chlorination, mixing, and contact time to destroy pathogenic organisms. The sulfur dioxide neutralizes the residue chlorine resulting in an environmentally safe effluent