About the Module
In this module, anatomical/morphological aspects of the human organism are described. It is not our goal here to be as thorough as would be expected of an anatomy textbook. There are a great number of anatomy textbooks and many are of excellent quality. The anatomy subjects discussed here have been selected because of their value in learning about the blueprint that pervades the entire organism and because they lend themselves to a phenomenological approach. This does not imply that other anatomical details or systems would not be suitable for such an approach. A conscious decision has been made for a selection because this is about teaching the reader to develop his or her phenomenological skills. We have not limited ourselves to the discussion of only one area of anatomy - for example, the skeleton - because a comparison of the blueprint across various systems provides us with a better idea of what precisely is repeated and what precisely has metamorphosized among these systems. The reader could, of course, do a phenomenological study himself of those anatomical systems that we have not discussed.