1. Preparing for writing (steps 1-7)
Step 1: Choose the question. Think about the time available, the availability of
reference material and your own interests.
Step 2: Analyse the question. Identify the instruction words, the topic words and any
restricting words and phrases (see ASO factsheet: Analysing the question).
Step 3: Rewrite the question. After you have analysed the question, try to rewrite it
using at least some different words.
Step 4: Brainstorm. Brainstorming will help you to determine how much you already
know about the subject. If you cannot come up with any ideas, you will need to
do some preliminary reading.
Step 5: Research. Go back to the reference material and look for specific examples,
evidence and /or quotes which can be used to support your ideas. Make sure
you record the sources of your information, and any quotes, accurately.
Step 6: Decide on the order of presentation. Return to your original notes, finalise
the points you will cover and decide how you will present them. A common
order of presentation is order of decreasing importance.
Step 7: Plan. You should now be able to write a plan. In most cases, this should not
require more than about one page.