Samantha Elizabeth Well if you separate Angelus and Angel then you have to separate Spike and Spike soulles. You obviusly forgive and forget Angel when he was Angelus because he hasnt soul, well Spike hasnt soul in the bath room escene. So Spike (soul Spike) is good and noble even more than Angel because he got his soul back because he wanted it, it wasnt a curse. And if we gonna talk about Angel and Buffy, Angel left her because he decided it. He go away to work in hisself and redemption, but Angel priority is not Buffy. Spike priority is Buffy, plus Spike (with soul) and Buffy had a really sweet relationship about respect love and support. Something she never had before.Spike knows the best and the worse of her and he loves her. He knows all about Buffy.Thats love.Angel knew a young girl, a teen, thats not Buffy anymore,she is an adult woman.My point Angelus not tried he already RAPE women.