How long do you think she'll be mad at me for?
Jay, I have zero experience with women,
and I can tell you, there's no coming back from that one.
I mean, I assume you talked to her, apologized,
told her how much she means to you.
Well, you know...
You didn't talk to her?
What did you do, send her a tweet?
No, of course not.
I, like, texted her a billion times.
She didn't answer, so then I e mailed her.
But it was like, a nice e mail.
It was a long one, well thought out.
Subject line I wrote, "I'm sooorry,"
with like a ton of o's.
So it was like, "I'm sooorry,"
with a sad emoticon where he's crying
at the side of its little cheek.
I should probably actually just talk to her, huh?
Can't imagine it would hurt.
Oh, did yesterday's numbers come in?
We could do it that way, too.
I noticed my intern sure keeps busy.
Mr. congeniality.
He's a very big hit.
Everybody loves him.
Okay, do not look at that desk.
It's like the office junk drawer.
It's just gonna drive you crazy.
You just did that.
What, are you preparing for surgery?
Okay, seriously?
Like, how did this even happen?
No, no, i i can set it up.
She's just in a meeting.
Hi. Something I can help you with?
Yes, Jules spilled soy sauce on her Saint Laurent jacket.
Can you take it to the photo studio?
There's lots of cleaners and stuff in there.
Sure. Where is it?
She's wearing it.
They would like us to consider the possibility...
...of, uh, meeting with some, uh, potential CEOs.
I did not see that coming.
W why? Uh...
Am I too inexperienced at running a business?
I i didn't go to Harvard?
My my methods aren't by the book?
I mean, isn't that how we got here?
I need adult supervision?
Could we be doing better?
We hit our five year goal in nine months.
Jules, we can't keep up with our own success.
You know that.
You're an hour late to every meeting.
We have a name for it Jules standard time.
And look, I get it. There's only so many hours in the day.
We're all playing catchup.
Our tech guys work until 2:00, 3:00 in the morning.
Customer service is slammed.
We're running out of inventory.
We've got shipping issues and programming problems.
And and the bigger we get,
the more complicated it's gonna get.
But isn't this what a startup is?
Say it. What is everyone so worried about?
That it's all going too fast, and it could get away from us.
Our investors just think that a seasoned ceo
could take some things off your plate.
That's all. Just free you up to do what you do great.
You come up with the ideas,
and let somebody else make the trains run on time.
But, Cameron, this new person,
they are going to want to do things their way.
Technically be my boss.
I mean, how can I do what I do
if I have to report to someone else,
run every idea I have by this person?
Can you see that working?
Well, gilt groupe brought in a ceo.
How are they doing?
I mean, get me ceo lessons, you know?
Ben: Uh, excuse me.
I apologize,
but Becky said you needed something taken care of
on your jacket.
Oh, right.
Thank you, Ben.
Of course.
The v.C.S made up a list of potential CEOs.
Let's just take a look at the list.
Explore it, then decide.
Baby steps.