Strategic frames become blinders.
Strategic frames are the mental
models'- ttre miad-sets- that shape
how managers see the world" The
frames provide the answers to key
strategic questions: 8hat business
are we in3 How do we create value?
lMho are our competitors? Which
crlstoELers are crucial and which can
we safely ip.ore? A.od they colrcerrtrate
marragers' atteBtioE oD what
is impo-rtant anoong the iumble of
raw data that crosses tbeir desks and
cofilputer scre-eas every day" The
strategic frames of Eirestoae's rnauagers,
for example, focused their
eyes on their competitors around
Akroa and their flrstorners is Detroit"
The frames also help 'ne-agers
see patten$ 6 66mFlex &ta by fitting
the inJormation into an established