However, these conditions are not optimal for energy balance.
Assuming that thermal efficiency is 100% and the specific heat for
cassava pulp is 1.25 kJ/kg k [9], the energy consumed in heating
1 ml of 5% pulp suspension from 25 C to 140 C and keeping it at
140 C was 488.6 J. Because the glucose generated (0.744 g/g dry
pulp) provides 580.3 J, the energy balance was þ91.7 J. Similarly,
the energy balance with no heating and at 120, 160, and 180 C
without H2SO4 was þ241.8, þ154.1, 4.1, and 143.7 J, respectively,
indicating lowering treatment temperature is important to improve
energy balance. In p
However, these conditions are not optimal for energy balance.Assuming that thermal efficiency is 100% and the specific heat forcassava pulp is 1.25 kJ/kg k [9], the energy consumed in heating1 ml of 5% pulp suspension from 25 C to 140 C and keeping it at140 C was 488.6 J. Because the glucose generated (0.744 g/g drypulp) provides 580.3 J, the energy balance was þ91.7 J. Similarly,the energy balance with no heating and at 120, 160, and 180 Cwithout H2SO4 was þ241.8, þ154.1, 4.1, and 143.7 J, respectively,indicating lowering treatment temperature is important to improveenergy balance. In p
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