The percentages of algal,coral and fish taxa with positive or negative relationships to WQI are summarized in
Table 2
Fig. 7
(b). The probabilities for gradients in
abundances were weaker than probabilities for regional
differences, due to the limited water quality data and
small number of reefs. Nevertheless, in the macroalgae,
83%of the genera included in the analyses tendedto increase in abundance with increasing WQI, compared
with 17% that tended to decrease. Two to three of the
macroalgae species were strongly and positively related
to WQI: these were the Rhodophyte
, and to a slightly lesser extent
; all three taxa increased 5- to 6-fold along
the water quality gradient. In contrast,none of the hard
The percentages of algal,coral and fish taxa with positive or negative relationships to WQI are summarized inTable 2andFig. 7(b). The probabilities for gradients inabundances were weaker than probabilities for regionaldifferences, due to the limited water quality data andsmall number of reefs. Nevertheless, in the macroalgae,83%of the genera included in the analyses tendedto increase in abundance with increasing WQI, comparedwith 17% that tended to decrease. Two to three of themacroalgae species were strongly and positively relatedto WQI: these were the RhodophyteLaurenciathechlorophyteNeomeris, and to a slightly lesser extentAsparagopsis; all three taxa increased 5- to 6-fold alongthe water quality gradient. In contrast,none of the hard
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