Contamination of the environment with heavy metals due to
increased industrialization and geochemical activities is a major
environmental and human health problem. The heavy metals of
most concern are cadmium (Cd) and Zinc (Zn), as they show
the greatest mobility in the soil environment (Jiang and Wang,
2008). Zinc, as one of the essential micronutrients in plants is
necessary for normal plant growth and development, as it is
known to be required in several metabolic processes (Broadley
et al., 2007). However, at high concentration, this micronutrient
exhibits strong toxicity and hampers plant growth (Ali et al.,
1999). It is well documented that excess Zn inhibits plant growth,
root and shoot development, and induces leaf chlorosis (Michael
and Krishnaswamy, 2011). At the cellular level, Zn excess alters
mitotic activity, affects membrane integrity and permeability,
disrupts basic physiological processes (e.g., photosynthesis) an
Contamination of the environment with heavy metals due toincreased industrialization and geochemical activities is a majorenvironmental and human health problem. The heavy metals ofmost concern are cadmium (Cd) and Zinc (Zn), as they showthe greatest mobility in the soil environment (Jiang and Wang,2008). Zinc, as one of the essential micronutrients in plants isnecessary for normal plant growth and development, as it isknown to be required in several metabolic processes (Broadleyet al., 2007). However, at high concentration, this micronutrientexhibits strong toxicity and hampers plant growth (Ali et al.,1999). It is well documented that excess Zn inhibits plant growth,root and shoot development, and induces leaf chlorosis (Michaeland Krishnaswamy, 2011). At the cellular level, Zn excess altersmitotic activity, affects membrane integrity and permeability,disrupts basic physiological processes (e.g., photosynthesis) an
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