activity of a wide variety of carotenoids and extracts from tomatobased
products by different methods, including lipophilic and hydrophilic
ones, and also generally found higher lipophilic antioxidant
activities than hydrophilic ones. Comparing the results of
lipophilic antioxidant activity, it is evident that the antioxidant
activity of the extracts from tomato and especially from shrimp was
higher than that of b-carotene. Bauerfeind et al. (2014) found that
the antioxidant activity of astaxanthin was approximately 2-fold
greater than that of b-carotene and lycopene, also measured by
photochemiluminescence. However, the huge difference in antioxidant
activity between the lipid extracts and commercial bcarotene
found in the present work may have another explanation
apart from the different antioxidant activity of carotenoid molecules.
It is very feasible that a considerable fraction of the measured
antioxidant activity of the S_E and T_E extracts was attributable to
the presence of other antioxidants, for example a-tocopherol,
which is also naturally present in these raw materials (Bauerfeind
et al., 2014; Sanches-Silva et al., 2011), hydrophobic amino acids,