As stated above, the titles “Nurse Practitioner” and
“Midwife Practitioner” are legally recognized. In 2010,
the NMBA developed the Endorsement as an NP registration
standard. This Standard includes a definition of
“advanced practice nursing.” The NMBA defines these
nurse and midwife practitioners as having the capacity
to work at an advanced level of practice based on postgraduate
education and qualification at master’s degree
The role and title of NP is not new in Australia. However,
it is important that attention is paid to using the
correct nursing titles as this is essential for the profession,
other health professions, and the wider community
to understand the changes in nursing practice that have
occurred. Understanding the difference between a practice
nurse (a registered nurse working in a general medical
practice/local doctor clinic) and an NP is critical. One
is a protected title (NP) and one is not (practice nurse).