6. Set "Mode" in the "Bluetooth" tab to "Master".
7. Select a companion device from among the
Bluetooth devices already registered in "Link".
8. Set "Authentication" to "Yes" or "No".
"PROCEDURE Registering Bluetooth companion devices used as "Slave"" Steps 3 to 4
9. Press [OK] to finish settings. Move on to the
Bluetooth communication.
"10.2 Communication between the FX and
Companion Device"
PROCEDURE Displaying Bluetooth information for the FX
1. Select "Comms" in Config mode.
2. Press [Info] in the "Bluetooth" tab to display information for the FX. Register the Bluetooth address (BD ADDR) displayed here in the paired device set as "Master".
Bluetooth device address
This is a number unique to one particular Bluetooth device used to identify devices during
communication. This number consists of 12 characters (numbers 0 to 9 and letters from A to F). Some devices may be referred to by their Bluetooth device address.