Several of these studies give clues as to factors which are unlikely to be the main causes of the reductions. A comparison of the 1954 and 1977 dental health surveys in Brisbane (2,3) indicates to a reduction of about 50% in caries, as measured by the number of decayed, missing and filled permanent teeth (DMFT) per child and averaged over the age groups, in the 23-year period. The 1977 survey distinguished between children who took fluoride tablets regularly, irregularly or not at all. Although there were differences in caries incidences between the three categories (which could reflect factors unrelated to fluoride levels), even the “no tablet” group had on average 40% less caries experience than that recorded in 1954 So fluoride tablets were not the principal cause of the reductions observed in Brisbane.
The first Sydney study (4) showed that children with “naturally sound” teeth increased from 3.8% in 1961 to 20.2% in 1967 and 28% in 1972. The paper, which was titled enthusiastically “The Dental Health Revolution”, was originally used widely to promote fluoridation in Australia. The authors stated that: “Almost certainly, the availability of fluoride both in tablet form and delivered through town water supplies has been the predominant factor…These very large reductions represent a modern triumph of preventive health care” (4). Yet the major proportion of the reported improvement had already occurred before Sydney was fluoridated in 1968. Moreover, no evidence was presented that fluoride tablets were widely used in the 1960s. Fluoride toothpaste was only introduced into Australia in 1967 (3). Although the index is unsuitable for more detailed studies which distinguish decayed, missing and filled teeth, the populations examined were very large (over 9,000 children at each examination) and the results clear-cut.
A second Sydney study (5) used the DMFT index, but was irrelevant for establishing any link with fluoridation, since it reported only on examinations in 1963 and 1982, but not around 1968 when Sydney was fluoridated. As in several other fluoridation studies, the key data were either not collected or not reported (6). Although the two Sydney papers have an author in common (James S. Lawson, a senior officer of the New South Wales Health Commission), the second paper does not even cite the first. This suggests that, once it became clear that the first Sydney study contained evidence unfavorable to fluoridation, it was a source of embarrassment to some fluoridation proponents who are apparently trying to denigrate it.
However, an independent confirmation of the large reductions in caries before fluoridation reported in the first Sydney study (4) is readily obtained by comparing the results of two surveys (7,8) separated by 20 years by Barnard. These surveys showed that the mean DMFT index (‘I’ denotes a permanent tooth which cannot be restored) for school children aged 13 and 14 declined from 11.0 in 1954-55 to 6.0 in 1972. The four years from 1968, when fluoridation commenced in Sydney, to 1972, would not have contributed significantly to the decline in caries prevalence in this age group (9).
The authors of one of the British studies (10) cited in Table 1 point out that sales of fluoride toothpaste in the United Kingdom were less than 5% of total sales in 1970, but rose to more than 95% of sales in 1977. They quote unpublished annual data from unfluoridated parts of Gloucestershire, collected from 1964 onwards, which show substantial improvements in children’s teeth before the use of fluoride toothpaste became significant.
Many of the studies in the Netherlands, reviewed by Kalsbeek (11), were carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the school dental health programme. Temporal reductions in DMFT of about 50% occurred between 1970 and 1980, whether or not the children had taken part in the dental health education program. Kalsbeek also reviewed the use of fluoride tablets and toothpaste and concluded from the data that “factors other than the effects of different fluoride programmes must play a role.”
The study in the partly fluoridated city of Auckland, New Zealand (12), examined the influence of social class (which reflects environmental and lifestyle factors, such as diet) as well as fluoridation on dental health as measured by the levels of dental treatment received by children. The paper showed that treatment levels have continued to decline in both fluoridated and unfluoridated parts of the city and that these reductions are related strongly to social class, there being less caries in the “above average social rank” group than in other children. Thus the main ethical argument for fluoridation, that it should assist the disadvantaged, is not borne out by this study.
Fluoridation’s benefits
On 15 December 1980, the Dental Health Education and Research Foundation, one of the main fluoridation promotion bodies in New South Wales (NSW), issued a press release entitled, “Fluoridation dramatically cuts tooth decay in Tamworth” (13). This document, which highlighted results of a study conducted by the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Sydney University, and the Health Commission of NSW, stated in part:
Tamworth’s water supply was fluoridated in 1963, and the last survey in the area was conducted in August 1979. It shows decay reductions ranging from 71% in 15-year-olds to 95% in 6-year-olds…All those surveyed were continuous residents using town water.
The “95%” reduction actually corresponded to a reduction in DMFT from 1.3 in 1963 to 0.1 in 1979 (14), which is 92%. The press release implied incorrectly that all this reduction was due to fluoridation. However, it has been claimed that since the commencement of fluoridation that the maximum possible benefits from fluoridation are obtained in children who have drunk fluoridated water from birth. Six-year-olds would have done this by 1969, when, according to the published data (15), they had a DMFT index of 0.6. The further reduction in caries in optimally exposed 6-year-olds, observed in years following 1969, cannot be due to fluoridation.
Thus, one can say that at best fluoridation could have approximately halved the DMFT rate in 6-year-olds between 1963 and 1969. (Since there was no control population, one could also say that at worst fluoridation might have had no effect in that period.) But from 1969 to 1979, caries in 6-year-olds was reduced a further 83%, by some other factor(s) than fluoridation.
Figure 1 shows that the unknown factors caused in children of each age from 6 years to 9 years similar large reductions in caries. Unfortunately, there are no published data for Tamworth beyond 1979 or in the years between 1972 and 1979, and so it cannot be confirmed whether the large reductions observed (14,15) from 1972 to 1979 in children aged 10 to 15 were also due to these unknown factors.
A similar reduction beyond the maximum possible for fluoridation is observed for children of each age from 6 to 9 in the published data from Canberra (16), which cover the period from 1964, the stated year of fluoridation, to 1974. In particular, DMFT rates declined by 50% in 6-year-olds from 1970 to 1974 and by 54% in 7-year-olds from 1971 to 1974. These reductions in optimally exposed children cannot be due to fluoridation. Published post-1974 data are needed to check on further reductions in optimally exposed children aged over 9 years.
From 1977 onwards, data have been systematically collected from the school dental services in each Australian state and territory (9,17). Table 2 shows the degree of fluoridation in each of these states/territories in 1977 and 1983 and also the dates of fluoridation of the capital cities of these regions. Each of these cities dominates the population of the state or territory in which it lies. The evidence presented in Fig. 2 and Table 2 suggests that states and territories which had been extensively fluoridated for at least 9 years before 1977 (Tasmania, Western Australia and New South Wales) had qualitatively similar large reductions in caries from 1977 to 1983 as a state which was only extensively fluoridated in 1977 (Victoria) and a state which had a small and declining fraction of fluoridation (Queensland). Although the results of the school dental health survey are recorded by age and state, the data have only been published (9,17,18) so far for ages 6-13 averaged in each state, or for each age for the whole of Australia. There is evidence that the use of fluoride toothpaste in Australia reached a high plateau around 1978, so these observed reductions in caries can be due neither to fluoride toothpaste (9) nor to fluoridated water.
It is to be hoped that similar data on caries reductions in “optimally exposed” children will be sought in other fluoridated countries. In a region of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom where the main water supply was naturally fluoridated with 0.9 p.p.m. fluoride until 1972, reductions in caries of 51% were observed in 12-year old children between 1964 and 1979 (19). Factors other than fluoridated water must have caused these reductions. After 1972, the main water supply was drawn from a bore with less than 0.2 p.p.m. fluoride, so a recent survey of caries there would be of great interest.
Benefits overestimated?
In some fluoridated areas (for example Tamworth, Australia), temporal reductions in caries have been wrongly credited to fluoridation. The magnitude of these reductions is similar in both fluoridated and unfluoridated areas, and is also generally comparable with that traditionally attributed to fluoridation. Can it be concluded that communities which prefer not to fluoridate, either because of concern about potential health hazards (20-25) or for ethical reasons (for example compulsory medication; medication with an uncontrolled dose), do not necessarily face higher levels of tooth decay than fluoridated communities? In other words, is it re