To Set Up the New Incineration System
By considering the advanced and mature system of Danish incineration such as
Vestforbrænding, it is necessary to import and study the Danish incineration system
and transport it to China. The reason is: firstly, integrated procedure including the
pre-treatment of waste for reuse and recycling, pollution control of the incinerate
furnaces and high energy recovery efficiency are all the issues that can optimize the
China’s incineration plant; secondly, district heating could save the energy resources
by substituting the use of coal, oil and natural gas and could also reduce CO2
emissions, which can contribute to China’s CO2 targets.
In addition, by considering the enormous amount of waste in China, and the high
demands of electricity and heat supply, it could be better to connecting the
incineration plant with the local power plant and heating supply system to improve
the energy efficiency and more contribution to CO2 emissions reduction. By the way,
the local government should play the guide role for the cooperation, and also subsidy
the cooperation with the taxation policies to encourage and support it, and at the same
time, the government should set up an organization for surveillance to make sure the
right operation of the cooperation.