2.3. Statistical analysis
All concentrations of the mineral elements were measured at
least in duplicate. Data were presented as mean value ± standard
deviation. Data analyses were performed with the SAS program
version 9.1.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, U.S.A.). Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was carried out to determine genotypic and environmental
variation using the general linear model procedure
(PROC GLM). Means of different genotypes were determined
using the PROC MEANS, followed by least significant difference
(LSD) multiple comparison tests at P < 0.05. Duncan’s new
multiple-range test was performed to examine significant differences
among subpopulations at P < 0.05. The t-test was performed
to compare the mean values between 2 years using PROC TTEST.
Correlation analysis among the different mineral elements in (or
between) the two environments was calculated by the PROC
CORR procedure.